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Apr 7, 2022

Clothespin Carrots

I love to create little Carrots when it is Easter time. They are so fun to decorate with. These little carrots are made out of yarn and clothespins. You can put these clothespin carrots on a Tiered Tray, in a Dough Bowl, or in a Basket. They would be absolutely DARLING anywhere.


Supplies Needed


clothes pin carrots

Step 1

The first thing I did was take apart the clothespins. They come apart easily. You don’t need the metal clip so you can just throw that away.

Step 2

Next you take your green raffia and make the top of the carrot. I just tied a knot in the raffia to make sure it says together. You can see how I did that in the picture below.

Step 3

Now take that green raffia and glue it to the inside on one of your wooden pieces.

clothes pin carrots 4

Step 4

Now glue your two wooden clothespin pieces together so they look like a carrot. Make sure to glue the raffia pieces inside of the clothespins. You can see how I did that in this picture below.

Step 5

Now you can take the Carrot and just paint it orange, but I thought they would be so cute wrapped with orange yarn. I just simply hot glued the yarn to the bottom of the carrot and wrapped it all the way to the top. You want to wrap it so that you see none of the wood from underneath.

Just like that you are done! Look how stinking cute they turned out. I LOVE them so much!

I hope you all will make some of these Darling Carrots! If you do I hope you will share them with me.

This is Holly, “Doing what I Love.”


My name is Holly, and I am the co-owner of Doing what we Love with Holly & Renee. I was born and raised in Utah and I love the beauties of this state. I am a mother to 2 wonderful children (who both are married), a wife to an amazing husband, and a Grandma to the cutest little girl on earth.

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