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Nov 29, 2021


Star Christmas Tree Ornaments

I have always loved the look of jute string ornaments; the star shape is my favorite. Here is a quick and simple way to make them. They turn out so pretty! I hope you will all try to make some.

The Supplies I will be using are:
Long Sticks (you can use any kind of stick)
Jute String
Glue Gun

jute star ornament 2

The first step in making this ornament is laying out your sticks and arranging them into the shape of a Star.

jute star ornament 3

Next, I took my glue gun and glued the star together at each point. I also glued the sticks anywhere the sticks crossed. I just wanted to make sure it was nice and secure everywhere.

jute star ornament 4

Now it’s time to start wrapping the star with your jute string. I hot glued the end of the string onto one point of the star.

jute star ornament 5

I continued wrapping and gluing the string into place.

jute star ornament 6
jute star ornament 7

You will wrap and glue until you are happy with the look of your ornament. I wanted mine to be pretty covered. When I was finished it looked like this.

jute star ornament 8

The last thing I did was add a hanger to my ornament. I simply cut a piece of jute string about 8 inches long. Then I thread the string through one point on the ornament and tied it together at the top.

jute star ornament 9

Just like that you are done. I really hope you will make some of these ornaments. They look so high end and only take minutes to make.

jute star ornament 10

This is Holly, “Doing what I Love.”


My name is Holly, and I am the co-owner of Doing what we Love with Holly & Renee. I was born and raised in Utah and I love the beauties of this state. I am a mother to 2 wonderful children (who both are married), a wife to an amazing husband, and a Grandma to the cutest little girl on earth.

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